Innovative pharmaceutical company in Uzbekistan


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Mission and strategy

Mission and strategy

Born to care and heal!

Providing consumers with high-quality medicines of the latest generation,
meeting international requirements.

Наша цель!

Become a leading innovative pharmaceutical company in Central Asia with a high reputation
in society;

Development strategy

1. Building the competitive potential and product portfolio of the company;

Release of high quality products that meet national and international requirements;

3. Implementation of the long-term development of production, reconstruction and modernization
production facilities.

4. Meeting requirements and continually improving performance based on international standards
ISO 9001: 2015 and GMP EU;

5. Continuous improvement of the quality of manufactured products based on the requirements and expectations of consumers;

6. Introduction of advanced technologies, acquisition of new modern types of equipment, means
measurements for technical re-equipment of production, reconstruction of the enterprise;

7. Selection of reliable suppliers of raw materials and materials and development of cooperation with major suppliers
on a mutually beneficial basis;

8. Optimization of the distribution of human, financial, raw materials, technological and information

9. Promoting reasonable cost reduction in production and management, in the absence of
negative impact on quality assurance;

10. Systematic improvement of qualifications, competence and professional skills
managers, specialists at all levels and each employee, empowerment and strengthening
responsibility in the field of quality in their workplace;

11. Incentives and motivation of employees for achievements in the field of quality;

12. Increase in the share of production of competitive products and optimization of the assortment;

13. Search and attraction of qualified and competent personnel.